Education & Work Experience

University of Maryland College Park
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering (2020)
Synthesis and characterization of energetic nanomaterials with tunable reactivity for propulsion applications
Advisor: Michael R. Zachriah, Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science
Awards & Achievements
- Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship (2020)
- Sengers PhD Candidacy Graduate Scholarship (2019)
- Outstanding Teaching Service Award (2018)
- Jan & Anneke Sengers Fellowship (2016-2017)
- Teaching Assistant, Combustion and Reacting Flow (ENCH 648Z/CHBE 456/ENME 707, Fall 2018)
- Teaching Assistant, Process Engineering and Economics Design II (CHBE 446, Spring 2018)
- Teaching Assistant, Chemical & Biomolecular Systems Analysis (CHBE 442, Fall 2017)
- Board Member, Chemical Graduate Association (2017-2018)

University of Arizona
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (2016)
Awards & Achievements
- Chemical Engineering Senior Design Award (2016)
- Dr. William Scott Bousman Memorial Award (2016)
- W.L. Gore & Associates Undergraduate Engineering Scholarship - Chemical Engineering (2015)
- Regent's High Honors Endorsement Award (2012)
- Wildcat Excellence Award (2012)
- Dean's List with Academic Distinction (2012-2016, 8 terms)
- Omega Chi Epsilon Chemical Engineering Honor Society
President (2015-2016), Engineering Student Council Liaison (2014-2015) - Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society (Joined 2014)
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Joined 2013)
- Associated Students of the University of Arizona
Member, Wild Nights (2012-2013)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Deputy Group Leader - Rapid Prototyping of Energetics, Energetic Materials Center (2024-Present)
Staff Scientist, Energetic Materials Center (2022-2024)
- Conduct research to improve advanced manufacturing methods of energetic materials in the Energetic Materials Center (Physical & Life Sciences, Strategic Deterrence, Global Security).
- Design, build, and execute detonation experimental campaigns to evaluate high explosive component performance.
- Analyze detonation experiment data collected using high-speed diagnostics including photonic doppler velocimetry (PDV) and flash X-ray (FXR) imaging.
- Lead diagnostics development for in situ characterization of additively manufactured energetic materials and develop analytical programs to make digital twins of parts.
- Served as co-Principal Investigator (PI) for the high explosives thrust area of a research and development program supporting >15 employees with an annual budget >$1M. Support multiple other R&D programs related to digital twins and advanced manufacturing.
- Manage academic collaboration to promote technology transfer of high quality direct-ink-write manufacturing techniques and facilitate high explosives experiments.
- Aid in recruitment and retention of new employees by managing academic engagements with universities and hosting graduate student interns/military appointees.
Postdoctoral Research Staff Member, Energetic Materials Center (2021-2022)
- Perform research on advanced manufacturing methods of energetic materials in the Energetic Materials Center (Physical & Life Sciences, Weapons & Complex Integration, Global Security).
- Develop diagnostics for in situ characterization of additively manufactured energetic materials and associated analytical programs to make digital twins of parts.
- Serve as co-Principal Investigator (PI) for the high explosives thrust area of a research and development program supporting >10 employees with an annual budget >$750,000.
- Certified Explosives Handler. Completed Explosives Safety Applications for National Laboratories (EOT 501) at Texas A&M University Engineering Extension Service (TEEX).
- Gold Award - Strategic Deterrence (July 2024)
- Gold Award - Strategic Deterrence (July 2024)
- SPOT Award - Physical & Life Sciences Directorate (August 2023)
- Weapons Physics & Design Silver Award (August 2023)
- SPOT Award - Physical & Life Sciences Directorate (March 2023)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Engineering Student Trainee (Pathways), Goddard Space Flight Center (2016-2020)
- Serve as project aid, contamination engineer, and coatings engineer to space satellite projects including the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), Restore-L, Mars 2020, and Thermal Infrared Sensor-2 (TIRS-2).
- Develop and design an online computational platform to unify planetary protection data management across the agency using SQL, HTML, and Django (Python). Listed as primary inventor on NASA Technology Report for Bioburden Assay Tool (BAT) e-NTR #1537185510, Case #GSC-18188-1.
- Design experiments for integration and testing stages of spaceflight hardware including a rapid image-analysis for particulate fallout measurements and polymer-based contamination mitigation.
- Assist in code development for transport phenomena of on-orbit contamination in spacecraft.
- NASA Special Act Award (Individual) (October 2018)
- NASA Agency Honor Award - Group Achievement (Contamination & Coatings Engineering Team) (August 2017)
Thermal Coatings Engineering Intern, Goddard Space Flight Center (Summer 2015)
- Characterize oxygen plasma flow in high vacuum chamber to improve adhesion quality of thermal coatings used in the aerospace industry via optical and mechanical integrity tests.
- Design a computer program in Visual Basic and MATLAB to quickly sift through data in Excel containing over 50,000 data points for each experiment conducted.
- Design and conduct thorough experiments with documented procedures and methods to make progress towards a time-sensitive goal.

University of Maryland College Park
Graduate Research Assistant III, Zachariah Group (2016-2020)
- Characterize and develop novel energetic nanomaterials using high-speed optical measurements, additive manufacturing techniques, nanoparticle synthesis techniques, computational simulations, and more resulting in >20 peer-reviewed publications.
- Design and build custom experimental equipment, electrical hardware, and complementary software for simultaneous high-speed imaging, microscope imaging, digital image processing, trigger signaling, pyrometry measurements, automated translational stage movement, and more.
- Serve as Safety Officer for the Zachariah Group to ensure continual operation of the laboratory and develop safe standard operating procedures for experiments at UMD and UCR.
- Move and establish a new laboratory during a cross-country move to the University of California, Riverside. Serve as a Visiting Scholar at UCR from Jan. 2019 – Dec. 2020.

University of Arizona
Undergraduate Research Assistant, UA Dept. of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering AeroLab (2015-2016)
- Design and refine model for a vertical axis wind turbine using computer aided design to prolong lifetime of alternative energy generation methods.
- Communication progress, status updates, and part specifications with undergraduate students, faculty, and machine shop staff to ensure project completion.
Tutor, Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques (SALT) Center (2014-2015)
- Provide assistance for students with learning disabilities enrolled in chemical engineering, math, and chemistry courses.
- Communicate complex ideas effectively using techniques that engage students to improve fundamental understanding and applications of course material.